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Chinese SWAT Police Develops A New Gun That Can Shoot Around CORNERS

by Unknown , at 16:00 , have 0 comments
Compact: The weapon is designed for use it urban settings making it useful in terror or hostage situations

Police guns that can shoot around corners are leaving serious criminals nowhere to hide in China. 

Shanghai's SWAT team have been pictured training with the bendable firearm which allows the operator to see and shoot around corners.

The weapon, developed by Chongqing Changfeng Machinery Co and Shanghai Sea Shield Technologies, has been designed for fighting in urban settings, making it useful in terror or hostage situations. More photos after the cut...

Officers are able to point it at 60 degrees around the corner to attack an armed target without exposing themselves to a counterattack.

The weapon consists of a handgun, or pistol, fitted to the front of the system and fired from the back section using an ordinary trigger.

Pulling a grip underneath changes it from its bent configuration into a straight one so it can be used normally.

It also features a small, high-resolution camera and monitor, which can observe and view a target from different vantage points. It lets the shooter see where the gun is pointing without putting themselves in the firing line.

The camera allows the police team to scan an area prior to pinpointing a target and broadcast the footage directly, in real time, to the people operating behind.

People have also drawn comparisons between the guns and the film Wanted starring James McAvoy and Angelina Jolie in which specially trained fighters can curve bullets around corners, since the pictures emerged.

It has also been compared to the CornerShot, a weapon accessory invented by Amos Golan of the Israeli Defence Forces in cooperation with American investor, according to the South China Morning Post. 

The original 'crooked gun' has been sold to military forces in 15 different countries.

But Qing Shansheng, chief designer of the Chinese HD-66 and CF-06 'bendable guns', has denied that either weapon was inspired or based on the CornerShot.

Chinese police in Beijing, Guangzhou and Xinjiang, where six 'militants' were shot dead by police in January amid increasing unrest in the majority Uyghur semi-autonomous region, have adopted the weapons. 

Long arm of the law: Police can aim weapon from relative safety of other side of the wall. The bendable weapon is being rolled out by SWAT teams across China

Good view: A police officer tries out a weapon with an LCD screen and swivel barrel that would allow the user to aim and shoot around corners

In sight: The camera lets officer look at the target before either shooting or sending in officers

On target: The HD-66 and CF-06 'bendable guns' let operators take aim at the target on its screen 
Chinese SWAT Police Develops A New Gun That Can Shoot Around CORNERS
Chinese SWAT Police Develops A New Gun That Can Shoot Around CORNERS - written by Unknown , published at 16:00 . And have 0 comments
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