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Start A Se x Chat With These 20 Se xy Text Messages (Must Read)

by Unknown , at 17:43 , have 0 comments
Image result for photos of couples sex texting
Naughty and raunchy text messages are an integral part of every relationship.
We’ve all been there, and we’ve all sent it to a someone special. But have you ever felt awkward to start a nau ghty conversation through text messages? Or at another time, did your mind ever go blank when your partner asked you to say something se xy in a text?

Well, worry no more.

Using sexy text messages to seduce your lover
Firstly, if you want to se duce a se xy friend or a new lover, or want to start talking dirty for the first time through text messages, you need to read these features.
And once you’ve mastered the art of sending sexy texts, read on.
Sending a se xy text to a someone se xy should come naturally. You can say anything you feel like, and as long as you feel hor ny, chances are, you’ll say all the right things.
Image result for photos of people sex texting
Things to know before se x texting
You can always text a nau ghty line like “I want you now… come on and f**k me!” It works and sends the message straight through. But it comes with a major flaw.
When you make a se xy text sound too explicit or say a se xy line without hiding any meaning, your text loses its sen sual appeal. It’s too direct and as exciting as it seems, it’s still boring because you leave nothing to surprise. Your partner may read it, smile and just play along with your mood.

Let’s face it, shocking se xual sentences don’t always work. They’re fun, but they cut the suspense and go straight to the end. And in a realistic world, how many times can you ask your lover to leave everything and *come and get you*!

If you want to enjoy a se xy text conversation, you need to involve your partner. You need to excite them slowly and you need to make them feel like they’re a part of the se xual buildup.
And the best way to start a se xy text conversation is by starting slow and easy, and playing with the sentences to turn the person on one step at a time.
Image result for photos of people sex texting
20 se xy messages to start a se xy conversation
Keep your se xy text messages naughty and mysterious. It makes the exchange of texts more exciting because your partner wouldn’t know what’s on your mind.

Instead, they’ll feel like they’re the one that’s building up the se xual texts by asking the right questions, when in fact, you’ll be the one who actually starts the whole se xy game by saying the perfect first line!

Are you ready to get nau ghty while texting se xy? Just use these subtle and se xy conversation starters while texting and go with the flow. And remember to think se xy and talk se xy ---

#1 I can’t believe I texted you while I was peeing.
#2 I’m feeling so cold even though I’m under the blanket. Hold on for a minute, lemme put on my clothes.
#3 I wish you could be with me now.
#4 I’m watching a se xy video of a girl/guy who looks just like you *link it to an explicit video with a really attractive person so your lover would be flattered*.
#5 What are you wearing right now?
#6 Can you guess the color of my underwear?
#7 My legs are missing you in between them.
#8 I just bought new underwear and can’t wait to show it to you.
#9 If I were with you right now, where would you want me to touch you?
#10 I’m watching porn.
#11 My hands were busy, but they took a break to text you.
#12 I’m imagining you’re with me right now…
#13 I’m trying to sleep, but I can’t stop thinking about all the things you could do to me if you were with me right now.
#14 I’m looking for se x toys online…
#15 I had a naughty dream last night and you were in me… I mean, it…
#16 Do you believe in kiss and tell? Cause I want you to kiss me and do things to me in your mind and tell me all about it.
#17 I’m lying in bed and bored. Do you want to play Simon Says?
#18 What would you want to do with me after our date tomorrow?
#19 I can see two puss ies humping outside my window. They’re meowing so much it’s hard for me to go back to sleep.
#20 Wanna play a game with me?

Once you use any of these lines as your se x text conversation starter, it’ll automatically get your lover’s mind racing into se xual overdrive.
All you need to do after that is play along and answer the questions keeping se x in mind. And before you know it, both of you would be all hot and bothered.
Start A Se x Chat With These 20 Se xy Text Messages (Must Read)
Start A Se x Chat With These 20 Se xy Text Messages (Must Read) - written by Unknown , published at 17:43, categorized as +18 Tips , Relationship Tips . And have 0 comments
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