Taylor Swift has proven herself quite the prolific songwriter. The 25-year-old also showed that she's got a savvy business mind to match when she purchased the domain names TaylorSwift.porn and TaylorSwift.adult before porn peddlers or any of her detractors could.
According to TMZ, domain names ending with .porn and .sucks, to name a salacious few, will become available in a couple months.
CNN explained the bigger picture this way: 'In 2011, the nonprofit Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers decided to expand the number of generic top-level domains, or gTLDs, such as .com and .net.

And Taylor made the grab before anyone else could do so - such as frenemies and the many ex-boyfriends she has accrued, the news site reported.
CNN explained the bigger picture this way: 'In 2011, the nonprofit Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers decided to expand the number of generic top-level domains, or gTLDs, such as .com and .net.
'There were 22 at that time and now there are over 547 new gTLDs on the Web, with new suffixes released every month.'
And ICANN is giving stars, companies and anyone who's got a brand to have first opportunity to buy the more questionable gTLDs before they become readily available to anyone on June 1.
Taylor, of course, really didn't have an option - she had to buy before her 'haters' could, as CNN suggested.
'People who have bad intentions are going to do what they’re going to do and there’s nothing to prevent that,' Steve Miholovich, SVP of marketing at Safenames, told CNN.
While many of the domain endings approved to date have been relatively innocuous, a handful of new gTLDs scheduled to be released soon are attracting more attention than usual (like almost everything else on the internet with the word "porn" in it.)
As of June 1, anyone with the cash and the desire to buy a website ending in .porn, .sucks or .adult can do so — if the domain name they desire is still available after trademark holders go shopping.
ICANN has opened up the sale of domains on the above gTLDS to those who it determines may need to protect their brands against cybersquatting or trademark infringement. Called a "Sunrise period," this month-long pre-sale will end April 1.
Stuart Lawley of ICM Registry, which owns and operates the .porn and .adult top-level domains, told CNN that Swift and Microsoft were among the parties who'd already registered domains on both gTLDs.
It has not been revealed how much Swift's team or Microsoft paid for the .porn and .adult domains, but trademark holders will pay approximately $2,500 for a .sucks address when sales begin on March 30, according to Vox Populi Registry, which owns the gTLD.
Looking to get into the domain game yourself? You can find a public list of all pending and delegated new gTLDs on ICANN's website.