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Barber Offers Free Haircuts For Misbehaving Kids, It Makes Them Look Like An Old Man

by Unknown , at 13:52 , have 0 comments

Do you have a kid who is acting out and out of control? Three days a week, a Snellville barbershop in Georgia, offers a free haircut called the "Benjamin Button Special," that'll make your misbehaving child resemble a senior citizen.

A picture of the cut was posted to Instagram by Russell Fredrick, who owns A-1 Kutz in Snellville and goes by the name Master Barber Rusty Fred on the social site.

The picture was accompanied with the following text:
"So you wana act grown...well now you can look grown too. The grown-up kids special by: @rusty_fred GOT TO REACH EM SOMEHOW.... #ittakesavillage #thiscantbelife #hairloss #rusty_fred #rustyfred #toughlove #lessons #learningexperience #tryme #grownkids #kidsbarber #barberlove #barbergame #a1 #a1kutz #a1kidzz #a1__kutz #hair #haircut #naturalhair #barbershopconnect #lifelessons #yougonelearntoday"

In an interview with the Washington Post, Fredrick, who has three children said he decided to promote the cut after he gave his 12-year-old son a similar old-man haircut and the boy's grades "dramatically skyrocketed."


Barber Offers Free Haircuts For Misbehaving Kids, It Makes Them Look Like An Old Man
Barber Offers Free Haircuts For Misbehaving Kids, It Makes Them Look Like An Old Man - written by Unknown , published at 13:52, categorized as Gist , Humour . And have 0 comments
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