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Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Is Real, It Is Caused By Too Much Kissing

by Unknown , at 05:20 , have 0 comments
Kissing has overtaken smoking and drinking as the leading risk factor for developing head and neck cancers. The humble French kiss can pass on human papilloma virus (HPV), and Head of Maxillofacial and Head and neck Surgery at the Royal Darwin Hospital, Dr Mahiban Thomas, said the virus was responsible for a ‘tsunami’ of cancer cases.

Dr Thomas told NT News if you became infected by HPV in the oropharynx, your risk of developing head and neck cancer was 250 times higher than that of someone without the virus. While most commonly associated with cervical cancers in women, HPV can affect both men and women.

There are more than 100 types of the virus, but it is ‘Oral HPV’ that can cause cancers in the oropharynx.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said studies suggested Oral HPV could be passed on during oral s ex or open-mouthed or ‘French’ kissing, and about 7% of people have oral HPV, but only 1% of people have the type of oral HPV that is found in oropharyngeal cancers.

‘’High-risk behaviours are oral s ex, multiple kissing partners, and more recently there are reports even ‘petting’ can lead to infection,’ Dr Thomas told NT News. “If someone has kissed in excess of six people their risk of contracting HPV is higher, or if someone has kissed in excess of nine people the risk is significantly higher again,” Dr Thomas said.

‘Patients with HPV-related head and neck cancers were usually young, rarely drank and never smoked. ‘They present at the fourth decade of life, a full 30 years before the traditional cancer would usually occur.’

‘Gynaecologists have been dealing with HPV a lot longer and know a lot more about it than us … more research in this area is required, what we can tell you is this (HPV) is causing a tsunami for us.’

In 2011, 3121 head and neck cancers were diagnosed in Australia, caused by smoking, frequent alcohol use, sun exposure, radiation, asbestos and HPV. The Australian Government funds HPV vaccination for 12 to 13-year-old girls and boys which helps protect against cervical cancer, some vaginal, vulva and anal cancers and genital warts.
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Is Real, It Is Caused By Too Much Kissing
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Is Real, It Is Caused By Too Much Kissing - written by Unknown , published at 05:20, categorized as Fitness , Gist . And have 0 comments
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